Welcome to the Covid-19 School Tracker! Click the K-12 tab to see school data from each state. I try to update the data daily; however, not all states update their data daily. Some update their data weekly.
Data on K-12 schools comes from each state's Department of Health or Department of Education.
On the Colleges tab, we pull data from The New York Times to track over 1700+ colleges all across the United States. Additionally, we also track more detailed and up-to-date college data on individual states by pulling data from each state's Department of Health or Department of Education.
I recently noticed that there were lots of detailed data about Covid-19. However, as schools started reopening, I became worried about case counts in my school and neighboring schools. I soon realized that it was difficult to access this data, and often inaccessible. I also learned that the data was spread apart over multiple websites and that there was no one website to find them all.
This website was created to help easily inform the public about what case counts look like in Public Schools all across the United States.
Please keep in mind that this website doesn't have access to all COVID-19 case counts in all the public schools in America. Not all states decided to release Covid-19 data on schools. Additionally, each state has its own methods of releasing data.
While children and teenagers are more likely to survive COVID-19, it is extremely important to track these cases as they could spread to teachers and family members at home.
This website was created by a High School student in Massachusetts. Visit the blog for more information and updates. If you have any suggestions, you can contact me at info@covidschooltracker.com
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